Floral Solar Tree

Building Fact

  • Site Area : 90,000sm
  • Gross Floor Area : 10,000sm
  • Building Height : 15m
  • Location: Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Status : Concept Design Published

Kaunas Cultural and Science Center: Bridging Ideas, Innovation, and Nature on Science Island

The City of Kaunas, Lithuania’s second-largest city, boasts a thriving cultural and academic scene. With eight prestigious universities and a community of curious students, educators, entrepreneurs, technologists, scientists, and naturalists, Kaunas is a hub of intellectual exchange and creative energy. In this vibrant intellectual environment, the new Cultural and Science Center Building on Science Island is poised to be a crucible for the generation of innovative ideas, philosophies, and ideologies.

Considering the regional needs and the unique character of the provided island, our aim was to create a structure that not only blends seamlessly with the island’s natural surroundings but also bridges the gap between the city’s north and south. The island serves as a vital cultural and recreational link between these two parts of Kaunas. Placing the new building at the island’s center ensures accessibility from both directions and maintains the island’s visual openness, fostering a sense of unity.

The existing roads converge at the island’s core, a pivotal location that inspired the design of the new building. This central core not only houses the building’s functions but also forms a welcoming public space. A solar tree, designed for both energy production and public interaction, takes center stage within this core, featuring an open gallery beneath it and a deck on top. Utilizing non-conventional prism solar panels, the solar tree generates sufficient electrical power to meet the building’s energy needs, even in Kaunas’ frequently overcast weather.

The building’s design revolves around a dynamic circulation system that guides visitors on an immersive journey. As one enters from the southwest of the island, a bright and spacious lobby beckons, setting the tone for the experiential journey. The circulation path leads to various spaces, including a cafeteria, three major galleries (human, machine, and nature), plant preparation areas, a virtual laboratory, and flexible event spaces.

The roof, a prominent feature of the building, serves multiple functions. It enhances site connectivity, creates outdoor spaces between the bridges for activities like amphitheater performances and playgrounds, and acts as a canopy for the spaces below. It is a design element that seamlessly integrates the interior and exterior, enhancing the building’s overall functionality and aesthetic.

In essence, the new Cultural and Science Center Building is more than just a structure; it is a hub for the exchange of ideas and the celebration of culture and science in the heart of Kaunas. It epitomizes a design that respects the city’s character and brings forth a new cultural and intellectual landmark for the community to embrace and enjoy.

Energy and Circulation Diagram

Design Process Diagram

