About Us

Our creativity is the ability in organizing form to unveil the inherent randomness of nature.


At TheeAe (The Evolved Architectural Eclectic), our philosophy is underpinned by a profound commitment to contextual beauty and innovation. We believe that the essence of a place—its history, culture, and inherent qualities—provides the richest source of inspiration for our designs. This belief guides us to re-examine and redefine elements that may have been previously overlooked or hidden, utilizing these discoveries to define architectural beauty in a context-driven approach. Our design process evolves from rational principles, leading to unexpected discoveries that resonate with the randomness and vibrancy of nature itself.

Specialization: Crafting Beauty from the Overlooked

We specialize in uncovering the hidden potential within each site, transforming overlooked elements into the cornerstone of our architectural expression. This dedication to context-driven design allows us to create spaces that are not only visually striking but also deeply integrated with their environment. Our approach is iterative and explorative, continuously evolving to reveal the unexpected beauty found in nature and the built environment.

Global Footprint: A Legacy of Diverse Innovations

Since our journey began in 2011 in the dynamic cityscape of Hong Kong, TheeAe has left an indelible mark on the global architectural landscape. Our diverse portfolio spans continents, including iconic projects like the Mumbai Airport in India, the tranquil Medina Residence in Saudi Arabia, and the adventurous Horse Theme Park in South Korea. Each project, from the Dubai Heart Water Resort in Dubai to the cutting-edge Science Innovation Center in Lithuania, embodies our core philosophy of nurturing creativity through contextual exploration.

Creativity through Contextual Exploration

Our commitment to contextual exploration is not just about understanding the physical site but engaging with the community and ecosystem that define it. This approach has led us to design spaces that not only enhance project value but also enrich the lives of the communities they serve. Our portfolio, boasting projects like the Mongflow mixed-use shopping mall in Mongolia and the culturally rich Baoan Cultural Center in China, showcases our ability to breathe life and meaning into every space we design.

Ongoing Mission: Enhancing Value and Community Life

Our ongoing mission is to unveil the unexpected beauty of nature and to create spaces that offer more than just aesthetic appeal. We strive to enhance the value of our projects, imbuing them with meaning and purpose that extend beyond their physical boundaries. Through our commitment to context-driven design, we aim to foster environments that encourage discovery, interaction, and a deeper connection with the surroundings.

In conclusion, TheeAe’s architectural philosophy is a testament to our dedication to blending innovation with the inherent beauty of nature. Our approach, characterized by a deep respect for context, has allowed us to create a legacy of diverse and meaningful projects around the world. As we continue to explore, redefine, and innovate, we remain committed to our core belief: that the greatest architectural expressions emerge from a harmonious dialogue with the environment and the communities we serve.

Our Teams

We boast dedicated teams in both Hong Kong and South Korea, equipped to tackle projects of all scales, from intricate interior designs to vast, mega-sized endeavors. Our hallmark is our unmatched flexibility, enabling us to provide pre-conceptual designs that align perfectly with our client’s visions. Our teams comprise highly experienced architects and expert advisors who work seamlessly in tandem, ensuring that our projects undergo comprehensive and swift evaluations.

Our Service Includes ;

Our hallmark design approach hinges on Context-Driven Design, which serves as the essential ingredient for crafting exceptional architecture. We solve challenges and address issues by meticulously researching the specific needs and desires of our clients.

by TheeAe

a. Architecture

We embrace the art of allowing exquisite design to gracefully unfurl, mirroring a project’s distinctive vision, aspirations, and seamless integration within its contextual surroundings

Let’s build architecture unexpectedly beautiful

b, Interior

We hold the belief that exceptional interior architecture seamlessly marries the meticulous research of locale and culture with inspiration, infusing artistic value and the inherent beauty of nature.

c. Master Planning

We are a united and devoted team of planners committed to crafting enriched urban environments that elevate the quality of life by optimizing traffic flow and spatial dynamics in unison.

contact us ;

An award-winning architecture and interior design firm dedicated to crafting context-driven designs that enrich communities and foster happiness through the built environment.

We are located at

Hong Kong :

22/F, Austin Plaza 83, Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Or email: info@theeae.com for any business inquiries

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